Saturday 26 March 2016

26th March,2016. Stream dipping at Ballachurry Reserve.

Dawn Dickens, MWT Education Officer, examining her catch!

Have just spent an interesting ( if very wet)  morning with Dawn Dickens, the Manx Wildlife Trust's Education Officer, investigating aquatic life at Ballachurry Reserve. This was a rather privileged session for Southern Group Committee members so we could assess requirements for possible  future stream dipping events for the Watch Group and local schools.

Here are a few photos of the trial dippings -I'll add proper captions when Dawn has confirmed the identifications ( it was too wet to make notes on paper of what she said!)
Small cased caddisfly  larvae -probably Agapetus sp. 

Leach cocoons containing eggs -probably Ribbon leaches.

Fresh water shrimps, male protecting female

greenish larva  emerged from mud on stone-
 probably either hydropsyche or rhyacophilia
Caddisfly larva

Fresh water shrimp. Intriguing red patch - possible parasite?

Too small to identify with naked eye

Awaiting ID

Water Hog Louse

Many thanks to Dawn for giving up her Easter Saturday morning to help us.