Monday 10 April 2017

Ballachurry Reserve, 8th April 2017 - Work Party and an evening stroll.

Turf for the  hide roof and for rut filling
with many thanks to Stuart Clague, SCS.

We recently received a generous donation of turf from Stuart Clague of SCS for use on Ballachurry Reserve. Many of you will have visited Stuart's Ballanette Reserve near Baldrine already. If you haven't yet been there, I urge you to do so - it's a real gem. Coincidentally, we also needed to plant some  hawthorn saplings promptly, so a work party was hastily arranged for Saturday morning.

Two of our volunteers, Ian and Peter, had already put in a morning's work on Friday to repair the hide roof. Southern Group Secretary, Janet, had kindly collected the turf  from Ballanette a few days previously and some of this was ear marked to supplement existing turf on the roof of the hide. The rest was kept in rolls and used on Saturday to fill deep ruts in the wild flower area.This is species rich turf which should enhance our wild flower meadow, whilst at the same time making the Reserves Officer's job of cutting the grass with a bar mower each autumn very much easier.

The Hawthorn saplings were planted adjacent to the paths leading to the hide and should eventually form a hedge to screen the pond, resulting in less disturbance to wildlife on the water. It will take a year or so! Before planting we had to strim the vegetation and lift some turf. This additional turf was also used to fill in ruts. We are indebted to volunteer, David Cregeen,  not only for strimming on this occasion but for taking over the Reserve mowing on a regular basis.

So, thanks are due to all the aforementioned people, plus Margaret for Easter themed refreshments, eight volunteers for all their hard work and to Andree Dubbeldam and Neil Morris for visiting the site earlier in the week to give their advice on both tasks.

During the morning I noticed 2 x Small Tortoiseshell butterflies  ( SC210694 and SC208694), saw a pair of Reed Buntings flying together ( SC209694), & spotted quite a few Earthworms and White Legged Snake Millipedes (SC209694). The Water Crickets are also back at SC209695.

We were serenaded by birdsong, including Willow Warblers, and the weather was sunny and dry. Wildlife and good company make these work parties a real pleasure.

Strimming prior to tree planting

Removing turf and rushes prior to planting the saplings

Many spades make light work

Jubilations! Job nearly done!

Filling ruts with lifted turf

Line dancing?

Time for a break

Easter Treats
The late evening sunshine tempted me back to the reserve for half an hour's stroll before dinner.  I was hoping to see those Reed Buntings only glimpsed that morning and my luck was in - the male landed in one of the willows at SC209695 where he obligingly sat for some time.

Reed Bunting

There was a Willow Warbler flitting from tree to tree, singing from each one. It was interesting to hear how the song changed to a call when a black cat appeared nearby. SC208694

Willow Warbler
Other birds enjoying the sunshine in the tree tops were a Blue Tit ( notice it is ringed) SC209694
Ringed Blue Tit

and a Robin ( SC209694)
Also noted, a 7-spot Ladybird and a Gorse Shieldbug ( SC209694), 
Gorse Shieldbug & 7-spot Ladybird
and among the flowers by the entrance, the Hedge Garlic is in bud and the first Spanish Bluebells have appeared. SC210694

Hedge Garlic/Jack-by-the-Hedge/Garlic Mustard/what you will

Garden escape Spanish Bluebells

It's amazing what you can see in just half an hour!