Wednesday 7 February 2018

Next Work Party - Reminder for 10th February.

It was unfortunate that we had to cancel the work party last Saturday-especially as it was bright and sunny at 10 o'clock!   "A sensible decision to cancel on the basis of the information available at the time", my husband consoled me. But I was miffed!

We'll try again for this Saturday, 10th February. 10 till 1 as usual. Here's a reminder of what it's all about.

We'll be tying up some loose ends at this Work Party.  We have missed removing a number of tree guards and there are still brambles to be dealt with. We shall also be doing some maintenance on the various wooden structures.  

When removing tree guards at the last work party we discovered it could be a very scratchy job, so please dress accordingly and if you have safety glasses/goggles please bring them along too. The reserve is currently very wet under foot so wellies a good idea.  Loppers, shears etc. useful. Stanley knives came in handy last time too. 

Offers of cake to revive our willing workers at half time always welcome, even if you are unable to join us on site. Please contact Janet on or 428953 if you can help out in this way.

Before leaving home please check your email  ( if on our notification list) or with Janet or the Blog ( if in any doubt about whether the work party has been cancelled. 

Many thanks.