Sunday 8 September 2019

Ballachurry Reserve : September Work Party

I can now confirm that, subject to weather conditions of course, our next work party will go ahead on Saturday next, 14th September. The priority task is to cut back vegetation along both streams and dredge out some of the silt to improve the water flow into the reed bed and pond.

As mentioned before wellies are essential for this job, as are waterproof gloves of some sort. Please remember to cover any abrasions you may have on your hands too as we have longtails on site and don't want to take any chances when working in or close to water.

Tools required are obviously shears, loppers, secateurs etc. although we do have some spares. Shovels useful too for the silt.  If you are bringing your own tools it's a good idea to mark them with your name or initials to avoid confusion with those of other people who might have the same brand or identical pair.

Sheila Scarffe has kindly offered to bring along a cake about 11.30 and will be joining us for the refreshment break. If you can remember to bring a mug that always helps but I have a few spares so you won't go thirsty!

I shall make a decision after the 8 a.m. weather forecast on Friday about whether the work party can go ahead but do please check your emails/ the Blog on Saturday morning before setting out from afar just in case the forecast changes over night, as it sometimes does.

I look forward to seeing some of you on Saturday.
