Monday 9 March 2020

Ballachurry Reserve, 7th March 2020 - Work Party

a daunting task ahead?
We have had to cancel two previous work parties this year because of  stormy weather and poor ground conditions. But it was third time lucky on Saturday when, despite the forecast for occasional rain and drizzle, we met up at Ballachurry at 10 o'clock to spread wood chip along those very muddy paths. No less than seventeen volunteers were on site with barrows, shovels and rakes and we were soon plying backwards and forwards along the tracks with the wood chip which had kindly been donated by Chris Preston of "Roots to Shoots". ( Chris has given us wood chip in the past and we are very grateful to him and his business for helping us out in this way. Not only does the chip improve the paths enormously, it has also increased the bio-diversity of the Reserve and we have seen new fungi appear regularly where it has been spread.

Although many hands make light work, this was a strenuous task and everyone was pleased to hear  the workers' tea-break siren  at 11 o'clock (they were testing the emergency sirens locally!) and all headed down towards the hide for a well earned rest and refreshments. A very sociable break, then back to work to finish off the task in good time for lunch. We also put up the nesting bird signage and cut back some willow which was forcing pedestrians off the path. Not a drop of rain the whole morning either!
but many hands make light work

and everyone got stuck in
there was even a queue to fill the barrows at times

barrows going off in all directions

emptying the .nth load

raking the chip along the paths

one of the wettest paths being improved

yet more raking
a well earned break - three types of cake no less!

reviving tea and coffee

and plenty of chat
two hours later the pile had gone!

we also took the opportunity to put up the
nesting bird signage as nesting now
seems to be underway
Thanks to all Saturday's volunteers for your hard work - you certainly made a difference to the state of the paths, as well as being a lovely bunch of people to work with! Thanks too to our cake makers, Margaret and Janet, for reviving us at half time. 

We usually take a bit of a break during the bird nesting season but then things sometimes crop up unexpectedly requiring a work party to put things right. No doubt I'll be issuing a "call to arms" at some point before mid August when we usually take the signs down again. Two major tasks on the horizon are replacing the boardwalk and, if planning permission is granted, putting in a new pond for dragonflies /pond dipping. I should perhaps add that we won't be digging the hole by hand!

In the meantime do visit the reserve to enjoy the fruits of our labours! There should be plenty to see there over the next few months.