Thursday 19 August 2021

Ballachurry Reserve, 12th August 2021

August flowering meadow

 I have been rather busy lately so missed visiting Ballachurry  during the first week of August. However, on Thursday last week I was welcomed back at the gate by the sight of a Common Blue Butterfly on a dandelion and a Small White butterfly just behind it. The sun was shining but there was a strengthening wind and I was pretty well wrapped up for August! I stayed for three hours as there was lots to see but it had clouded over by the time I went home for lunch and by then the butterflies were sheltering rather than flying. Here is what I  recorded:


SC208694 female Chaffinch;  5 x Swallows flying over; 3 x Goldfinches flying over

SC209694 Wood Pigeon flying over; Magpie flying over; 3 x Mallard ( all female); Herring Gull flying over; Heron flying over.

Butterflies & Moths:

SC209694 Speckled Wood x 2; Unidentified White flying; Small Copper; Green Veined White; Small White;  Antler Moth; Udea lutelalis Moth

SC210694 Common Blue

SC208694  Common Blue; Green Veined White; 2 x Speckled Wood together + 1 other;  2 x Small Copper;  Nettle-tap Moth; unidentified moth pupae on Rush flowers.

SC208695 2 x Green Veined White; Peacock; Speckled Wood

SC209695 2 x Speckled Wood together


SC209694 Blue tailed damselfly; 

SC208695 unidentified khaki/greenish hawker


SC209694 7-spot on thistle


SC208694 Gorse Shieldbug nymphs in gorse bush - various instars

SC209695 Hawthorn Shieldbug nymph

SC209694 Hawthorn Shieldbug nymph

Flies and Hoverflies: 

 SC209693 "Footballer" Hoverfly - Helophilus pendulus

SC208694 Flesh Fly ( Sarcophaga sp.) ;darkish Marmalade Fly ( Episyrphus balteatus); other Marmalade Flies x 2 elsewhere;  2 x Eristalis species Hoverfly; 

 SC209694 Eristalis pertinax x 3; Helophilus pendulus " footballer" Hoverfly


SC208694 unidentified fungus

SC209695 Harvestman in gorse

SC209694 unidentified caterpillar in Rowan tree

SC208695 2 x Froghoppers


Looking right through the hide shutters

and looking left

like most adolescents, this young duck is always hungry

it is some sort of Mallard Hybrid, like its mother

distant Heron flying over

controversial Cushag ( Ragwort) is brilliant for wildlife - Small Copper & Udea lutealis moth

composite picture of Common Blue female near the entrance

another Common Blue in the Meadow

nectaring on Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil

There were lots of Green Veined Whites about

they love the Hemp Agrimony

a good view of the Green Veins

and another elsewhere

and yet another, on bramble this time

 a Peacock butterfly

and a Small White

Small Copper on Cushag ( Ragwort) near Ginnie's bench.

and among the grass

and nectaring on clover in the path

but the Cushag ( Ragwort) is definitely favourite!

Speckled Woods were also in evidence

they love dappled shade

and the warmth of the wood chip

this is a Speckled Wood too

there is an autumnal look to the Reserve already - seeding docks

ripening Rowan berries

this is the short route to the hide

and this one near the entrance

ripening sloes - autumn food for the wildlife

hazel nuts for Ballachurry Wood mice to enjoy later

ripening blackberries - enjoyed by all manner of wildlife

can you see why I took this photo?  3 x Gorse Shieldbugs

let's take a closer look 

here is an adult Gorse Shieldbug on the right with one of its nymphs

another stage of development for a Gorse Shieldbug

once "you get your eye in" you notice them everywhere

this was a really small, early instar ( or life stage)

they go through various colour changes as they grow

check out a gorse bush by you in August....

and you may well find some

and now for something completely different -

these are Hawthorn Shieldbug nymphs

despite the fact that these are Rowan berries!

they hide among the berries so are hard to see

Caterpillar on Rowan - possibly Grey Dagger Moth

the Rowans give an autumnal look to the hide

a shot through the telephoto lens shows the roof  greening up

Sneezewort and Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil in the meadow

Purple Loosestrife

view taken from the back of the meadow

and the usual view from the hide ramp

 Flesh fly  - (Sarcophaga species)

A darkish Marmalade Fly - Episyrphus balteatus

"Footballer" Hoverfly in its stripey  jersey - Helophilus pendulus

Marmalade fly

Eristalis species

Eristalis species Hoverfly on Hemp Agrimony

a great plant for wildlife  -Eristalis  species

 Eristalis pertinax

Cushag attracting the hoverflies too   - Eristalis pertinax

what big eyes you've got..... Eristalis pertinax

Marmalade fly on Loosetrife

Noon Fly

Nettle-tap moth

the white "grass seeds" on the rush flowers are in fact Moth pupae


Antler Moth ( top) Udea Lutealis moth ( bottom)

another "footballer"  - Helophilus pendulus

7-spot Ladybird

unidentified fungi - another sign of approaching autumn?

very well camouflaged Harvestman

 this is what all that Cuckoo Spit  turns into

they may both be different morphs of Philaenus spumarius

a slightly different view of the Reserve to close

Very few birds were seen during this visit - hence the lack of bird photos.

With thanks to Steve Crellin for fly identifications

 We had a work party at the reserve the following Saturday in preparation for the Open Afternoon on 22nd August. My next post will have photos of that.

please click on photos to enlarge them