Thursday 10 February 2022

Ballachurry Reserve, 9th February , 2022.

en route for the bird hide at Ballachurry Reserve

   Wednesday had long been forecast to be quite a nice day so I was looking forward to seeing the reserve in sunshine after my recent rather gloomy visits. The birds were appreciating the sunshine too judging by the birdsong which greeted me - it increases noticeably week on week now as spring approaches. I got no further than the concrete bridge just inside the gate before the notebook came out to record a Robin and a Blackbird. Here is the full list:


SC210694 Robin ( singing loudly when I arrived);  2 x Robin together (when I left) Blackbird ( taking ivy berries).

SC209694 Dunnock; Heron flew up from pond as I approached Hide; Blue Tit; Song Thrush heard but not seen; male Chaffinch; 5 x Goldfinch across pond from hide in hedge

SC208694  7 x Goldfinch taking Alder seeds ; Robin; Great Tit; Wren ( on compost heap); Goldcrest (on compost heap);

SC208695  female & male Chaffinch; Song Thrush hopping along the ground;  

I broke off recording after about an hour when my husband arrived to help me measure the dimensions of the new dragonfly pond. This was so the size of the liner can be calculated and ordered by Manx Wildlife Trust. It was also a pleasure to bump into two of our Volunteers during the course of the morning and enjoy a brief chat with both of them.

When I resumed recording the Wren and the Goldcrest were still picking over the compost heap and obviously finding good things to eat there. I also checked the pond for frogspawn but couldn't immediately see any. 


the "meet and greet" Robin by the gate

is this the same one? if so it had found a mate later

hungry Goldfinches still finding Alder seed

foraging Goldcrest



Blackbird taking ivy berries

wings needed for balance, not just for flying

Ivy has enormous value for wildlife all year round but especially at this time of year when the berries can be a life saver for many birds. So I was particularly saddened to see a trailer piled high with cut ivy heading for the civic amenity site as I drove home.

Wren also picking over the compost

it had a bit of a spat with the Goldcrest at one point

filigree tree silhouettes against the blue sky

view across the meadow toward the bridge


interesting cloud formations above the reed bed

a lovely blue-sky day  (so far!)

distant view of the hide

this weekly view of the hide sets the season

a view of the hide only possible outside the nesting season

Hazel catkins

Alder catkins

I wonder why this solitary berry has been left on "the Lichen tree"

view across the meadow to the hills

no Grey Wagtail in the stream today

Marsh Marigolds are coming through

we measured the new pond ready for purchasing the liner

a reminder as I left of a work party still to come

The sky did cloud over occasionally during the course of the morning and the temperature dropped quite a bit once the sun disappeared, reminding me that it is still only early February. But February is a short month and spring must be just round the corner!

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