Sunday 5 March 2023

Ballachurry Reserve, 4th March 2023. - Work Party.

 15 Volunteers assembled at the Reserve at 10 o'clock on Saturday in response to a "call to arms" by Angie and Karen, the work party organisers. On the agenda that morning: cutting back brambles & blackthorn along the paths,  building another dead hedge by the stream, strimming the potential wildflower meadow area in front of the noticeboard and generally having a very good tidy up of the leftover timber, slates, chippings etc. near the new boardwalk. Ian and Peter were working on the boardwalk, of course, and the foundations for the final ramp are taking shape nicely. A few more plants and large stones were added to the dragonfly pond which has quickly become an interesting new feature on the reserve.  I was very pleased to catch sight of a blackbird drinking from this pool during the morning and also a Robin perched on the nearby dead hedge - always good to see the wildlife using the facilities provided! 

Here are a few photos to give a flavour of the  work party:

D.I.Y. chippings from slates

cutting back along the paths

the Blackkthorn marches forward, given half a chance

strimming the mini meadow

transferring chipping to the barrow

sawing  branches for stakes in the dead hedge

wonderful team work!
good to straighten up the back occasionally!

then back to wielding that hammer

making a firm foundation for the final ramp

After all that effort and hard work some refreshment was necessary! Many thanks to all those who provided cakes and chocolates.

Then it was back to work for a spell before heading home for lunch. Thank you everyone for your hard work today and  Karen and Angie for organising the work party so well.

please click on photos to enlarge them