Sunday 25 February 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Work Party, 24th February, 2024.

 We couldn't have wished for a more beautiful morning for our work party on Saturday! The sun finally has some warmth and there was even a butterfly - first of the season for Ballachurry. 

Ten volunteers attacked a variety of tasks - cutting back the Blackthorn from where it was intruding into the paths at face level, hacking back brambles where they were threatening to advance into the meadow, laying the willow hedge by the hide and removing non native plants such as the vigorously spreading  Yellow Archangel. On advice from the Manx Wildlife Trust, even the colourful daffodils are being systematically removed as more appropriate to a garden than a nature reserve, although I suspect some people will miss their cheerful yellow spring flowers next year.

As usual, the tea break was most convivial and the home made cake much appreciated. Thank you to all the bakers. There was much talk about the fact that a dead Barn Owl had been found on the reserve that morning. There will be an autopsy to find the cause of death but how sad that the first record of a Barn Owl on the reserve should be a dead one.*On a more cheerful note the following wildlife was seen during the morning:

SC209694 Moorhen; Mallard drake; Robin ( cheekily coming down during the tea break to take a worm and not cake crumbs as I first supposed!)  Three Buzzards overhead.  Red  Admiral butterfly. Honey bees on gorse.

SC208694 Ringtail Hen Harrier overhead; Robin. Chaffinch. Possible Woodcock put up by workers.Goldfinch x 2 flying over.

SC208695 ( on feeders)   Great Tit; Blue Tit; female Chaffinch.

Here are a few photos taken during the morning .

trimming back Blackthorn

cutting back brambles to reach the Yellow Archangel

it had spread more than realised

freeing up the brambles before cutting
they were well buried in the grass tussocks

hauling out a bramble......

proved to be a two-women job


cut brambles off to be added to dead hedge

laying the willow hedge

Stop, Richard! It's time for tea!

a sunny picnic

relaxing in the sunshine

a chance for the Committee to discuss forthcoming events

other conversation covered Barn Owls, Tesco's takeover of  Shoprite,

 and forthcoming holiday plans, but then it was back to work

                               With thanks to everyone who helped this morning

 P.S. ground conditions this morning were not suitable for spreading the wood chip photographed on Monday.

My thanks to Brian Kelly for drawing my attention to this link to the Barn Owl Trust where you can read about why this is the most vulnerable time of year for Barn Owls.

please click on photographs to enlarge them