Monday 6 May 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Wednesday, 1st May, 2024.

May Day and fresh leaves on the trees

   A holiday and other commitments have kept me away from Ballachurry for two weeks so I saw quite a change in the reserve on Wednesday morning. The grassy areas had received their first cut of the year, there were more leaves on the trees and much more bird song. Whilst away I had heard the excellent news that 3 Tree Sparrows had been seen at the reserve. Tree Sparrows are a red-listed species in the Isle of Man - that is to say a  wild bird of the greatest conservation concern. Much work is being undertaken to try to halt their decline. So I was delighted to be able to see one for myself and even get a distant photo. Here is what else I recorded:


SC209693 Robin; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Blackcap heard not seen; Willow Warbler; Sedge Warbler.

SC209694 Tree Sparrow (NEW RECORD a couple of weeks ago); Goldfinch; male Chaffinch; House Sparrow; Female Chaffinch carrying insects; male Blackcap; Sedge Warbler heard not seen; Willow Warbler heard not seen; female and male Blackbirds; Chiffchaff heard not seen.

SC209694 ( hide) Woodpigeon on hide roof;  Sedge warbler; 2 x Moorhen; Blackcap heard not seen.

SC208694  Willow Warbler heard not seen; Sedge Warbler; male Chaffinch; Woodpigeon; Blackbird alarm call heard; Robin; 2 x Blue Tit; Great Tit; 2 x Goldfinch.

SC208695 Chaffinch & Blackcap heard not seen; Goldfinch. 

SC209695 Chaffinch heard not seen; Great Tit; Blackcap heard not seen; Goldfinch heard not seen;


SC209694 Helophilus species Hoverfly.

SC210694 Unidentified fly on ivy. 

SC209694 Pond Life: Lake Orb Mussels x 3; Caddisfly larva; numerous Pond Snails; Pond Skater; Tadpoles.

 SC209693  Cuckoo Flower/ Ladysmock in flower.

SC209693 male Orange Tip Butterfly.

SC209694 male Orange tip x 3 together.

SC209694 Garden Snail inside hide.

Sc209694 Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.

SC208694 Peacock Butterfly on Cuckoo Flower.

SC208695 Pisaura mirabilis ( Nursery Web Spider)

SC208694  5 x Wolf Spiders on Boardwalk

SC208695 Oulema beetle.

SC208695 Tremella fungus on dead ash tree trunk.

SC209695  2 x mating pairs Green Shieldbug.

SC209695 2 x Gorse Shieldbug.

SC209695 St. Mark's Fly.

SC209695 Carder, & Honey bees on same dandelion.

SC209694 Solitary bee/ wasp on dandelion.

SC208694 5 x Wolf spiders on boardwalk.

SC208694 Oulema beetle.

SC208694 male Orange Tip butterfly.

SC208694 Noon Fly.

SC 208695 Speckled Wood Butterfly.

SC209694 2 x Small White Butterfly.

SC209694  Apple Blossom, Ragged Robin and Garlic Mustard in flower

SC208694 Marsh marigolds, Stitchwort, Cuckoo Flowers blooming

SC209695 Sorrel in bud; Rowan flowers opening;

SC210694 Garlic Mustard in flower.

Sedge Warbler warbling

a pause for breath

a flight after an insect and a change of tree

then back to the original tree once more

Blue Tit

male Chaffinch and cherry blossom

male Blackcap singing

one of my favourite birds

female Chaffinch already has a family to feed

Great Tit

Woodpigeon on the hide

House Sparrow
and a Tree Sparrow - "spot" the difference!

hopefully it can be encouraged to stay

male Chaffinch


one of two today

here is the other one

feeding near the reeds

you can see how shallow the water is at present

You can see the reed bed is drying out
quite a rare sight at Ballachurry
another Sedge Warbler by the boardwalk

this one was ringed

another Sedge Warbler near the Hide

an amazing repertoire of whistles, rattles and clicks!
Willow Warbler

trying hard to make itself heard above the Sedge Warbler!

Honey Bee visiting the Marsh Marigolds

Helophilus species Hoverfly

familiarly known as a Footballer because of its striped jersey!

Dandelions are wonderful for wildlife!

this is some sort of solitary bee or wasp

very tiny

I'm hoping to get it identified

male Orange Tip Butterfly

and another elsewhere in the Hawthorn

can you see the delicate underwing pattern?

Peacock Butterfly in the meadow

It was nectaring on the Cuckoo Flowers

and the Marsh Marigolds

a Speckled Wood

and a Small White

2 pairs of mating Green Shieldbugs and a Gorse Shieldbug too

This Garden Snail was inside the hide

unknown fly on the ivy

Noon Fly photographed just after Noon!

A St. Marks Fly - first I've seen this year

Wolf Spider on the Boardwalk

 the lower one is male , I think. Note its "boxing gloves" palps!

Nursery Web Spider, sometimes called a Tent Spider

Oulema species beetle

they can be a serious pest on cereal crops, I believe.

looking over the dead hedge to the pond

looking attractive in the sunshine

and looking the other way

Bog Bean in flower

pond life in spring

I'm so pleased we have these tiny Orb Mussels

Pond Skater


this tree succumbed to Ash Die Back

but is already being recycled by fungus

Apple Blossom looks & smells beautiful at present

Cuckoo Flower - an Orange Tip caterpillar food plant

Garlic Mustard - also a food plant for Orange Tips

Marsh Marigolds, sometimes called Kingcups

first signs of Ragged Robin

Rowan coming into bloom

Sorrel in bud

Stitchwort still flowering

start of the old Beehive Loop

view from the bridge - lots of Hemlock Water Dropwort

you can no longer see the dam for the Dropwort

usual view from the boardwalk

and the boardwalk itself

stream fast vanishing behind the Dropwort

Ginnie's Bench with her memorial cherry tree in bloom

the Gorse boundary

distant view of the hide

the damp meadow

one of 3 new bird boxes - one already has signs of a nest, I'm told

Ash still looking bare -Oak out before the Ash means we'll only get a splash?

alerting notice about stream

very necessary as the stream vanishes beneath the Dropwort

looking through the hide shutters

and in the opposite direction

and the usual view of the hide

 And to finish, here is a video of the Sedge Warbler with its raucous song

and of the Blackcap with its more melodious notes


A lovely May Day visit.

please click on photos to enlarge them