Autumn scene at Ballachurry Reserve
Following my earlier arrival last week, it was back to a slothful 9 o'clock visit to the reserve on Tuesday. It was a chilly start despite the blue skies, but an improving picture made for a very pleasant morning. The downside was some vandalism to the "no Dogs " sign on the gate, a pile of empty cider cans and cardboard packaging left by Ginnie's Bench and some signs of disturbance inside the hide. But a quick tidy up then saw me out with my notebook. Here is what I recorded: Birds:
SC209693 Chaffinch heard not seen.
SC209694 Robin x 2; 9 x Long-tailed Tits crossed the path in quick succession; Jackdaw heard not seen; Blackbird alarm call heard; Wren; Dunnock.
SC209694 ( hide) 5 x Goldfinch landed in Churchyard trees and 15 x Goldfinch flew over later;Water Rail heard not seen; Great Tit; Wren.
SC208694 Magpie; Buzzard chased by corvids; 4 x Goldfinch flying over; 3 x Goldfinch in fir trees; 7 x Woodpigeon flying over; Robin; Chiffchaff; male Blackcap; Wren; Blackbird; Blue Tit.
SC209695 Goldfinch taking Cushag/ Ragwort seeds; female Blackbird; female Chaffinch.
SC 210694 Blackbird; Dunnock.
SC208695 Coconut Milkcap fungus ( to be confirmed).
Brown Birch Bolete ( to be confirmed).
Brown Rollrim ( to be confirmed).
other unidentified fungi.
SC208694 unidentified fungi of various species.
SC209693 unidentified fungi along the path.
SC209694 Red Admiral near hide; Red Admiral along gorse boundary.
SC208694 Common Darter on boardwalk.
SC209694 Hawker Dragonfly species over main pond.
SC209694 Common Darter near main pond.
SC209694 ( Dragonfly pond) Diving beetle; 5 x Greater Water Boatmen. Pond snails.
SC209695 Eristalis species Hoverfly
female/ juvenile Blackbird
small flock of Goldfinches in Churchyard trees
Goldfinch taking Cushag seeds
and another in the fir trees
Magpie |
Wren |
usual views of the small Dragonfly pond
the branch for dragonflies has started to sprout leaves! |
a diving beetle
a Greater Water Boatman
Pond Snails
Common Darter on the boardwalk
Common Darter near the main pond
Eristalis species Hoverfly
Tiny spider on Coconut Milkcap fungus - note "milk" top left
Brown Birch Bolete ( I think!)
they have pores instead of gills
Brown Rollrim ( I think!)
there are several around
there are fungi in most areas of the reserve at present - here are a few
the view from the bridge
looking toward the Bowman bench
autumn colours on the birch trees
usual view of the hide
anti-social minority spoil reserve for everyone else
vandalism on the gate
the damp meadow
Ballachurry by moonlight!
a closer look!
view from the hide ramp still in shadow
a final check on the pond before going home for lunch. |
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