Friday, 7 March 2025

Ballachurry Reserve: Tuesday morning, 4th March, 2025.

the dragonfly pond on an early spring day

  A later start than usual for me at Ballachurry on Tuesday, as I was busy elsewhere until 11.30.
Earlier in the week I'd heard reports from other birders of Siskins, Goldcrests, a Chiffchaff and even of the elusive Water Rail putting in a rare appearance there. I was not so lucky but I did have a lovely view of a Grey Wagtail from the hide. I also saw my first Ballachurry Ladybird of the year just as I was leaving. Here is my report:


SC210694 Blackbird flying across & another eating ivy berries; 2 x Woodpigeons flying over; 2 x Goldfinch flying over.

SC209694 ( hide) Grey Wagtail; 3 x Goldfinch; Pheasant heard not seen; Robin;  male Blackbird; 3 x Jackdaw in Churchyard trees.

SC209694 ( elsewhere)  3 x Goldfinch  drinking and bathing in stream; 2 x Jackdaw on Old School House chimney;  2 x Robin;  2 x Blackbird; Great Tit heard not seen;

 SC208694  Robin heard not seen; Woodpigeon flying over; Goldfinches heard not seen; 2 x Blue Tit; Goldfinch; Blackbird,

SC208695 ( feeders)  3 x Chaffinch; 3 x Great Tit; 2 x Blue Tit; 2 x Coal Tit; Greenfinch; 6 x Goldfinch. 

 SC208695 ( elsewhere) male Pheasant; Buzzard seen outside reserve from this point; Great Tit.


SC209695 Honey Bee in Gorse.

SC210694 Honey Bee on Celandine.

SC208695 2 x Longtails under feeders.

SC210694 7-spot Ladybird.

SC208695 unidentified Bumble Bee flying.

SC209694 unidentified pupae on noticeboard still in place.

SC209693 tiny red female flowers on the Hazel bushes. 

SC208694 Blackthorn in flower  (late this year)


hungry Goldfinch

this Goldfinch was bathing in the stream

this one was drinking from its perch

Coal Tit

Great Tit

a ringed male Chaffinch

Blackbird near the hide

Grey Wagtail

I thought it might bathe but it changed its mind

Robin on Ginnie's Bench

Great Tit

first 7-spot Ladybird of 2025 at Reserve

Honey Bee on Celandine

Honey Bee on Gorse

unknown pupae on noticeboard

Long-tail  scavenging beneath feeders
additional frogspawn in pond this week

Blackthorn suddenly in flower

Blackthorn blossom

Marsh Marigolds still not fully open

a large patch of Celandines

tiny red female Hazel flower with male catkins

"the reedy bend"

usual view of the hide
view from the hide ramp

looking through the shutters

nothing on the water today

looking across the meadow

and in another direction

heading for the boardwalk

stream will soon disappear behind Hemlock Water Dropwort

view from the boardwalk ramp

walking towards the Bowman bench

daffodils on the boundary

a defiant daffodil in the Reserve - many were removed last year

new reeds will soon start to show

a much more open compost area since recent storms

full leaf Hawthorn near the bridge

and Blackthorn in blossom across the stream

this Blog post started with a dragonfly pond photo, so ends here full circle.


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