Monday 4 September 2017

Ballachurry Reserve Work Party 2nd September 2017

September  Work Party

This more or less sums up a work party!
Wellies & Tea!

The mud was scarcely dry on their clothes after the Bank Holiday work party, but 10 volunteers came back for more on Saturday! One final section of stream needed  our attention. Choked with vegetation, it was actually possible to walk along it without getting your feet wet!
no water visible - view from the bridge.
This was the priority task for the morning and 3 willing workers were soon stuck in

Meanwhile others  had been busy cutting back the overhanging vegetation along the pavement

Laying more carpet around our Hawthorn saplings

And chopping back Willows etc. growing across the paths

Strimming of the paths and boardwalk area continued, docks were removed from the wild flower areas and a handful of other minor but necessary tasks were completed, all of which made a great difference.

As usual we broke off for tea and cakes at half time, luckily enjoying a second week of sunshine which made the morning all the more pleasurable.  

Yes please!

Hey! Is that your second slice?

Thanks to Margaret and Janet
for the most welcome refreshments
We were not alone in enjoying the sunny conditions - the reserve was full of butterflies which did not seem to mind our activities at all. There was a Common Blue in the wildflower meadow close to the dock diggers, Red Admirals reported by our willow trimmer, a Small Copper seen by a stream clearer and  Speckled Woods just about everywhere.

It's just what a wildlife reserve is all about and reward indeed for the hard work our volunteers put in.

Thanks to you all, each and every one.