Friday 22 June 2018

Unexpected Work Party, Sunday 24th June

I had been planning to post a note on the Blog to say that there will be no work parties at Ballachurry over the summer while the birds are nesting but that there will be a lot to do from the end of August. In the meantime, if you are missing the graft, Tricia Sayle would be glad of extra help on the Trust's other reserves. Please contact her on if you would like to volunteer.

BUT,  suddenly things have cropped up and we need to do the following tasks:

re-stake wattle pan
cut back vegetation along boardwalk and bridge.
cut back along paths (minimum to make passable) removing brambles and fallen Dropwort /Hogweed/ Bracken etc.    remove a few small overhanging branches from trees which are impeding walking along paths.
trimming back hawthorn and blackthorn from across paths. 
possibly weeding the boardwalk and hide ramp, if time.               

These have arisen following the recent windy weather ( storm Hector?) which has "felled" the Hemlock Water Dropwort across paths, along with other vegetation making them difficult to mow and indeed walk along. 

 The work party will be from 10 till 1 as usual ( or whatever you can manage in that timescale). Loppers, sickles, shears useful + pruning saws. We have a few but if you can bring your own, so much the better.  Some of the vegetation is Hogweed so gloves essential  ( dodgy sap!) We have a few pairs of eye protection but again, please bring your own if you have them. 


If we do not complete the work on Sunday, some of us will be back on Monday morning to finish the job. I'll post on the Bog if help is still required.

As always, please check the Blog before setting out if cancellation looks probable because of weather conditions - at the moment though the forecast is looking good. 

As some of you may already know, the Reserve has been discovered by local youngsters as a place to hang out. They are using the hide for smoking and drinking and had damaged the latch and hook so that it was no longer possible to close the door firmly from the inside. The latch has been fixed and we can replace the hook.The vandalism has escalated recently and they made a camp fire near the Bowman Memorial Bench with  branches, tree stakes and the wildlife magazines from the hide. The Police are aware of the situation and are making visits. 

P.C. Gorry has given me the following advice

I’d ask that if there are any young people (or old people for that matter!) who are not welcome visitors should be challenged as to them being there, let them know that you will be passing the information to me (and name me, as most of the CRHS age kids will know me), and ideally take a photo of them. You are entitled to do so as it will be assisting in the detection of crime and apprehension of offenders. “Will I be Seen? Will I Be Recognised? Will Anybody do anything about it?” stops a lot of petty crime and particularly criminal damages, so if they know that they will  be held responsible they most likely won’t do it.

Those long lenses could be useful!

He can be contacted at Castletown Police Station on  or  01624 631212

One of our regular bird watchers has already had words with them over them playing loud music - they claimed to be bird watching! If they see the reserve is being well used in the evenings, of course, they may find the area less attractive. 

Looking forward to seeing some of you at the Work Party on Sunday.

With thanks in anticipation,
