Thursday 28 April 2022

Ballachurry Reserve, 22nd April 2022. Incidental report.

a tranquil scene at Ballachurry Reserve

 A nine o'clock visit to the reserve to check the food  and bedding in the small mammal traps followed by a short walk round the reserve before setting off with my husband for a local walk.  Here is what I recorded:


 SC209693 Goldfinches heard but not seen; male Blackbird; Robin

SC208694 Willow Warbler; Great Tit; Chaffinch heard but not seen; Blue Tit ;

SC209695 Chaffinch

SC209694 Wren; 2 x Chaffinch; Blue Tit;   2 x Mallard;

SC210694 Chaffinch; Willow Warbler


 SC210694 White and blue  Spanish Bluebells by the gate

SC208694 Herb Robert growing beneath willows

a pair of Mallards

a feeding Moorhen

it pulls out the weed wholesale!

I wonder if we'll have Moorhen chicks this year?

the Blue Tits are still enjoying the pussy willow flowers

and finding time for a quick burst of song

the Reserve is full of the songs of Willow Warblers

close-up of the Willow Warbler
this one did not want to be photographed!

a good patch of Herb Robert under the willows

just coming into flower
view across the reserve from the new pond

the ever shrinking water level

As usual I took a peek at the latest progress on the boardwalk. The carpentry is well underway now.

 My visit  tomorrow will be in the afternoon for a change as I am going on an expedition with Manx Wildlife Trust's Invertebrate Group to Glen Mooar in the morning. We'll be looking for little creatures along  the strand line and the base of the cliffs -  all very different from Ballachurry! The Invertebrate Group is both interesting and fun so do find out more from MWT if you would like to join us. 

please click on the photos to enlarge them