Tuesday 13 August 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Tuesday, 6th August 2024.


Always a sense of anticipation - what shall I see today?

Last week's visit saw me arrive at the Reserve by 9 o'clock. Quite an achievement for me! A fine, sunny day and a few more birds around than last week. Butterflies, Dragonflies and more Hoverflies too. Perhaps summer has arrived at last! Here is what I recorded:


SC210694 female Blackbird flying over: Woodpigeon flying over.

 SC209694 ( from hide) Woodpigeon taking berries; Blackbird  x 2 taking berries; Goldfinch; Swallow flying over; Unidentified Warbler flew into reed bed but not seen again; female Mallard; Woodpigeon x 2 heard but not seen.

SC209694  ( elsewhere) Woodpigeon flying over;  another seen carrying nesting material into hedge; Chiffchaff heard not seen;  male Chaffinch; juvenile Wren; 2 x Great Tit together; Blue Tit;.SC209693 Goldfinch flying over; Great Tit & 2 x Chaffinch  together in Hawthorn  tree; Willow Warbler heard not seen;

SC208694 Magpie on the path; Willow Warbler heard not seen.

 SC208695 juvenile Dunnock;  Wren x 2; juvenile Blackbird.

SC209695 Chiffchaff heard not seen;  male Blackbird taking Rowan berries.

 Butterflies and Moths:

SC210694 Meadow Brown; Green veined White.

SC209694 Green Veined White; Grass Moth; Unidentified White flying near hide; Speckled Wood  x 5; Holly Blue.

SC208694 Speckled Wood x 2; Green Veined White; Silver Y moth.

SC208695 Speckled Wood; Green Veined White.

SC209695 Speckled Wood;  2 x Green Veined White.

SC209693 Speckled Wood x 2 ; Meadow Brown;  Red Admiral.


SC209694 large blue unidentified Hawker Dragonfly over main pond.

SC209694 ( dragonfly pond)  Common Darter;  male Blue Tailed Damselfly; egg-laying female Blue-tailed Damselfly.

SC208694 Common Darter on path; Common Darter on Bridge Handrail; Common Darter on Boardwalk; large unidentified Hawker flying over meadow.

SC208695 Common Darter flying.

SC209694  7-spot Ladybird x4.

SC210694 7-spot Ladybird x 2.

SC208694 7-spot Ladybird.

SC210694 Marmalade  Hoverfly on Cushag ( Ragwort) 

SC209693 Marmalade Hoverfly.

SC209694 Eristalis species Hoverfly on Cushag ( Ragwort).

SC208695 Helophilus species Hoverfly ( "footballer").

SC209694 Honey Bees throughout reserve.

SC209695  various unidentified flies on Cushsag ( Ragwort).

SC209694 Cranefly x 2.

SC209694 Water Beetle in dragonfly pond.

SC209694 2 x Green Shieldbug nymphs ( different instars) 

SC209694 Ichneumon wasp.

SC209693 Solitary Bee.

SC208694 Wolf Spider on boardwalk 

 SC210694 Woodlouse species on wall

SC209693 Angelica in flower

Woodpigeon taking berries

Blackbirds too

Another Blackbird elsewhere on the reserve

Mallard eating grass seeds

same Mallard on the remaining water

Woodpigeon carrying nesting material

Speckled Wood

they were on nearly every path

such as the Old beehive Loop

Red Admiral

Meadow Brown on Meadowsweet

Holly Blue

plenty of Green Veined Whites too

 black veins on upper wings very visible here

Silver Y

Dragonfly pond

living up to its name with a Common Darter

It likes the big quartz rock

but also the branch I put into the water

female Blue-tailed Damselfly egg laying

male Blue-tailed Damselfly nearby

a lovely bright specimen

Common Darter on the boardwalk

and on the bridge handrail

this one chose the path through the meadow

I almost deleted this blurred butterfly photo then spotted the Plant Bug

Crane Flies throughout the reserve

Cushag/ Ragwort attracting Hoverflies

an Eristalis species I think

on bramble flowers - a Flesh Fly perhaps?

Helophilus Hoverfly - "footballer"

Marmalade Hoverfly on Cushag/ Ragwort

and another elsewhere

a black and white Hoverfly on Bramble

a fly with distinctive markings on the abdomen

Wolf spider on the boardwalk

Woodlouse on the wall

one of several 7-spot Ladybirds

nymph of Green Shieldbug

and an earlier instar of Green Shieldbug nymph

Angelica in flower

emerging from the Beehive Loop


and looking the other direction

usual view from the boardwalk
looking back from the boardwalk towards the hide

still colourful flowers in the meadow

mostly Meadowsweet and Loosetrife

I love the jungly path through the reeds

berries everywhere at present

start of the meadow path

fluffy Meadowsweet flowers

Marsh Woundwort near the noticeboard

lush vegetation round the pond

usual view from the hide ramp

Yellow Rattle at the rattling stage in the mini meadow

looking through the hide shutters

hard to see the hide from the usual spot

 I had to move along slightly

the deep, dark wood but not a Gruffalo to be seen!

my final photo of the Purple Loosestrife before leaving


please click on photos to enlarge them