Sunday 25 August 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Work Party, 24th August, 2024.

signs of a work party morning at the reserve

  15 adults and one grandchild turned out for Saturday's sunny work party. A variety of tasks were undertaken with enthusiasm, notably sanding down and repainting the bird hide, spreading wood chip along the paths and cutting back encroaching  vegetation. Most enthusiasm, however, was reserved for eating cake in the tea break! The photo below was taken by Eric, aged 5! Thank you Eric for taking the photograph and thank you committee for the delicious spread. Much appreciated as always.

Eric's photo of the cakes
The Teabreak -  a chance to relax, socialise and welcome Anne, our new volunteer.

   But this was not just a sunny picnic! Here are a few photos of the work being undertaken during the morning.

the huge pile of wood chip rapidly disappeared

on goes the paint

sanding down in preparation

painting the fiddly bits

the hide is looking better already
moving stored timber from around the hide.....

to a new location elsewhere

cutting back vegetation to check stream inlet

preparing for children's event

forthcoming event!

Booking essential!

Ladybird anticipating the Bug Hunt!

just one species of wildlife noted during the morning

 Wildlife seen during the morning:

SC209694 2 x 7-spot Ladybirds; Speckled Wood butterfly; Common Darter dragonfly over pond.

SC209695 Speckled Wood butterfly.

SC208694 Common Darter dragonfly on boardwalk; 2 x Buzzard overhead; Speckled Wood butterfly; Green Veined White butterfly. 

 Many thanks to all the volunteers for your hard work, energy and enthusiasm.

please click on photos to enlarge them