Sunday 1 September 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Wednesday, 28th August, 2024.


Ballachurry reeds on a beautiful blue-sky morning

  Kept indoors most of the day by heavy showers on Tuesday, it was a real pleasure to be outside in the sunshine once more at Ballachurry Reserve  on Wednesday. The two mornings could not have been more different! Clear blue skies and a gentle breeze had the birds singing and the butterflies flying and I thoroughly enjoyed my morning there.  The highlight for me was finally seeing the Great Spotted Woodpecker which other people have reported from time to time. Here is my report:


SC210694 female Blackbird.

SC209694 ( hide)  5 x Goldfinch, including adult feeding juvenile ( three adults, 2 ;juveniles); Blackbird heard not seen; Wren  heard not seen.

SC209694 (elsewhere) Buzzard flying over low calling.

SC209693 male Pheasant crossing path; Heron flying over.

SC210694 Great Tit; Chaffinch heard not seen.

SC208694 3 x Swallows flying over;  2 x Goldfinch flying over; Great Spotted Woodpecker calling from top of tree; Robin; Chaffinch heard not seen; Woodpigeon heard not seen; Wren heard not seen.

SC208695 Blue Tit; female Chaffinch on bird feeder; Swallow flying over; Goldfinches heard not seen; Robin near feeder; Great Tit  near feeder.

SC209695 1 adult male Blackbird and 1 juvenile taking Rowan berries; Woodpigeon.

Butterflies & Moths:

SC210694 Green Veined White.

SC209695  Speckled Wood x 2 spiraling together; unidentified White flying.

SC209694 Speckled Wood  x 2 on gorse boundary;  2 x Speckled Wood near hide; Speckled Wood near path junction; Large White; Small White; Green Veined White.

SC208694 2 x Common Blue on Sneezewort;  1 Common Blue seen later near boardwalk; Speckled Wood x 3;  unidentified White flying.

 SC208695 Speckled Wood.

 SC209693 3 x Speckled Wood.

SC210694 Angleshades Moth ( faded) 

SC209695 unidentified moth on Cushag/ Ragwort


 SC208694  20 + Flies on bridge handrail.

 SC208694 male and female Common Darters on Boardwalk.

SC209694 male Common Darter over dragonfly pond; female on  Gorse Boundary path nearby; male Common Darter flying near path junction.

SC209694 Froghopper

 SC209694 and throughout the reserve - frequent Craneflies.

SC208694 large Bumble bee species on Boardwalk.

SC208695 Pestle Puffball still present.

SC209695 Spiny Puffball  (Lycoperdon echinatum)  NEW RECORD ( with thanks to Liz Charter for I.D.)

SC210 Froghopper.

SC209694 3 x Green Shieldbug nymphs, various instars.

SC209695 various Hoverflies on Cushag/ Ragwort, including several Eristalis species and a "footballer" Helophilus.

 SC210694 2 x 7-spot Ladybirds on Thistle and Woundwort.

SC210694 Comma caterpillar on nettles ( with thanks to Garry Curtis for the I.D.)


 2 juvenile Goldfinches

Adult Golfinch feeding juvenile

juvenile Blackbird enjoying  Rowan berries

it was there most  of the morning

Great Spotted Woodpecker

the first I have seen at Ballacharry


Common Blue

Small White

Speckled Woods were everywhere

Angleshades Moth

unknown moth

side view

 caterpillar of the Comma butterfly

munching through nettles by the gate

female Common Darter on the boardwalk

the  male was just a couple of planks away

another Common Darter very camouflaged on the path

the dragonfly pool seen from the bench

viewed from the entrance through the dead hedge

Common Darters love the big quartz stone

close-up male Common Darter

other pond life

lots of Greater Water Boatmen

Water Beetle

Tegenaria spider

 As I opened the hide door there was a very large spider indeed on the shutter directly opposite me. It would have made a great photo but it made off immediately the light fell on it and vanished into a corner. However, this slightly smaller one was nearby apparently guarding egg sacks. They look a bit scary but are harmless to humans. The exterior of  the hide was only painted on Saturday but already the spiders have recolonised and are catching prey.

Craneflies caught in spiderweb

Green Shieldbug Nymph

earlier instar of Green Shieldbug nymph

there were three close together

7-spot Ladybird on Woundwort

7-spot Ladybird on Thistle


composite photo of a Bumble Bee on the boardwalk

the Craneflies were everywhere

Cushag ( Ragwort) is wonderful for insects

Eristalis Hoverfly, I think

unknown fly

Helophilus "Footballer" Hoverfly

there were over 20 flies sunbathing on the bridge

a new record for the Reserve

Spiny Puffball

Pestle Puffball

the reed bed from the hide

and looking towards the Churchyard trees

usual view of the bird hide from afar

approaching the far end of the beehive loop

one usual view of the boardwalk

and another from the meadow

water visible again  from boardwalk as vegetation collapses

usual view from the boardwalk

the meadow no longer looks so flowery

sunlight ahead as I leave the ashes

 And to finish, a couple of photos of the freshly painted hide. Very smart!

Well done, Volunteers!
With thanks to Liz Charter and Garry Curtis for help with identification.
please click on photos to enlarge them