Tuesday 10 September 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Thursday, 5th September, 2024.

a  woodland path at Ballachurry Reserve

 Summer seemed to have finally arrived in the Isle of Man last Thursday! I celebrated by going to Ballachurry Reserve, arriving at 9 on the dot. It was very warm where sheltered but still quite chilly in the wind.  Here is my report:


SC209693 Chaffinch heard not seen; Robin heard not seen; Blackbird.

SC209694 ( hide)  Wren; female Mallard; Goldfinch.

SC209694 ( elsewhere)  4 x blackbirds on Rowan berries; female Chaffinch on Rowan berries; male Blackcap taking blackberries; Wren; female Blackcap.

SC208694 Robin; Chiffchaff x 2; male Blackbird; 2 x Goldfinch; Dunnock.

SC208695 Goldfinch; Robin; 2 x Great Tit; Blackbird; Swallow flying over; juvenile Buzzard seen + adult heard.

SC210694 Great Tit.

 Butterflies and Moths:

 SC209693 Speckled Wood x 2.

SC209694 Speckled Wood x 3; Red Admiral.

SC208694 Speckled Wood x 3; Common Blue; unidentified White flying; Peacock on boardwalk.

SC208695 Speckled Wood x 2; Red Admiral.

SC209695  3 x Speckled Wood spiraling together.

SC210694 Peacock; unidentified White flying.

SC209694 Silver Y moth; Micromoth on Woundwort.


SC209694 mating Common Darters over pond; Common Darter on brambles.

SC208694 Common Darter on boardwalk.

 SC208694 Rabbit.

SC209694 Eristalis & Helophilus hoverflies on Cushag/ Ragwort ( mini meadow)

SC208694 Eristalis  hoverfly on Cushag/Ragwort overhanging boardwalk.

SC209694 Common Wasp.

SC209694 unidentified spider.

SC209694 (dragonfly pond) Water Beetles x 3; Pond Skater x 4; Greater Water Boatmen x 6

SC209695 (on Cushag/Ragwort) 4 x Eristalis Hoverflies; 1 x Helophilus ( footballer) Hoverfly ; 1 x unidentified Hoverfly; Common Carder bee.

SC209694 Green Shieldbug nymphs x 2 on blackberry and other vegetation .

SC208695 Hawthorn Shieldbug nymphs x 3 on Rowan berries.

SC210694 Sphaeroderma testaceum beetles mating ( ID to be confirmed)

SC210694 Grassshopper

SC210694 7-spot ladybird

SC209694 7-spot ladybird x 2

SC209694 Heterotoma planicornis Bug on bramble leaf ( Common Flathorn Plant Bug)

Blackbirds feasting on berries

they all seemed to be juveniles

probably passing through on migration

a nearby Blackcap preferred the blackberries


female Mallard among the waterlilies

as soon as I opened the shutters a Wren appeared

which gave me a lovely close view

Common Blue butterfly

Peacock butterfly sunning itself on the boardwalk

composite photo - Peacocks look almost black with closed wings

Red Admiral

Speckled Wood taking bramble nectar

whereas this one preferred the fruit

there were several Speckled Woods

by far the most numerous butterfly on the reserve

Speckled Wood on bracken

Common Darter on the boardwalk

like the butterflies, they enjoy basking somewhere warm

I thought I might sit on the bench to watch the wildlife

but found it already occupied!

later there was a mating pair of Common Darters

the male dips the female into the water to lay her eggs

the process takes some time

eventually they separated and the female landed on the back of the bench

and the male on the bench seat

other pond life included Great Water Boatmen

Pond Snails on the stones

and Pond Skaters

Sphaeroderma testaceum beetles mating

Hawthorn Shieldbug nymph

despite the name, here on Rowan berries

7-spot Ladybird

Green Shieldbug nymph

and another nearby

Common Flathorn Plant Bug

unidentified spider

Numerous insects depend on Cushag ( Ragwort)  for nectar

such as this Eristalis species Hoverfly

A Helophilus " Footballer" Hoverfly

and a Marmalade Hoverfly

the only Grasshopper I've seen at the reserve this year
late Hogweed flowers also attracting insects

"Fruit and Nut" !

 apples grown especially for the birds

Angelica in flower

fungi starting to appear in the wood

and on the paths

a spore print from this one

may help identify what these are
last week's Spiny Puffball is well nibbled by something this week

usual view of the hide

view from the ramp

view through the shutters

the reed bed through the shutters

Water Forget-me-nots

a less colourful meadow but flowers are there if you search

looking back across the meadow to bird hide

usual view of the boardwalk

and usual view from it

stream becoming more visible as vegetation dies back

a shady walk through the ashes

the mini meadow

open area near the Bowman memorial bench

 And finally, a short video of the Common Darters egg laying


A very pleasant morning at the reserve.  "Summer" lasted a few more days but my next visit will be somewhat more autumnal, I suspect.

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