Monday 16 September 2024

Ballachurry Reserve: Friday, 13th September, 2024.

a shady corner at Ballachurry Reserve

 Having been a little disappointed by my visit to the reserve on Tuesday, I decided to call in again on Friday on my way home from lunch with friends. I arrived around 1.30 and stayed 3 hours! Here is what I recorded:


SC209694 ( hide) Goldfinch x 3; Chaffinch, male. 

SC209694  (elsewhere) Blackbird x 3; Wren; Robin heard not seen; Magpie heard not seen.

SC208694 Goldfinch flying over x 3 +  4 x Goldfinch  feeding on grass seeds; Robin; Blue Tit x 2;  Wren down on mud in stream.

 SC208695 Blue Tit; Great Tit;  Goldfinch; male Chaffinch ( all on or near feeder);  male Blackbird; Robin.

SC210694  2 x Blackbird.

 SC209695 Blackbird, male; Chaffinch x 2.


 SC209693 Speckled Wood x 2

SC208694 Speckled Wood x 4.

SC209695  Speckled Wood x 3.

SC209694 Speckled Wood x 4.


SC208694 Common Darter x 3 on Boardwalk.

SC209694 unidentified Dragonfly over main pond; 4 x Common Darter together on Ginnie's Bench.

SC209694  2 x adult Green Shieldbug + 4 nymphs ( various instars).

SC208695 Hawthorn Shieldbug nymph on Rowan berries.

SC209694 Harvestman on brambles. ( Dicranopalpus ramosus)

SC209694 3 unidentified spiders on brambles.

SC210694 unidentified fungi on edge of mini meadow - very dark spore print left on cap of one of them.

SC209695 Spiny Puffballs x 4.

SC208694 and throughout reserve,  Craneflies frequent.

SC209695 Rabbit.

SC209695 "Footballer"  Helophilus Hoverfly on Cushag/ Ragwort

SC208695 dead Wood Mouse on path (removed to undergrowth) 

 SC209694 Chrysomalid beetle, verified as Chrysolina banksii

SC210694 Jumping Spider ( Salticus scenicus)  

SC210694  Noon Flies x 4.

SC209694  Water Crickets x 3.

SC209694 unidentified Slug eating apple.

SC209695 various Hoverflies on Cushag/ Ragwort.

SC209694 Pond Skaters x 3 and Greater Water Boatmen x 4.

SC210694 Wolf Spider.

Blackbird near the path junction

Blackbird along the old beehive loop

Blackbird taking Rowan berries

young Goldfinch eating grass seeds

there were 4 of them altogether

I watched them for some time

and another Robin elsewhere

Great Tit


Blue Tit

Speckled Wood on boardwalk

Speckled Wood near the Bowman bench

this one was very camouflaged on the wood chip

Speckled Wood enjoying Cushag nectar

4 x Common Darter Dragonflies on Ginnie's bench

a bright red male

the wood is  warm

so it's a cosy place to rest

they flew from time to time but then returned to the bench

this one was on the boardwalk

as was this one

Chrysolina banksii leaf beetle

Abundant Craneflies on the reserve

Green Shieldbug

Green Shieldbug nymphs

a tiny Jumping Spider on the Noticeboard

and a Wolf Spider in the vegetation

Harvestman  - probably Dicranopalpus ramosus

Cushag / Ragwort providing late nectar for insects

unknown Hoverfly

Noon Fly

Fungi in the mini meadow
very dark spores had fallen on the cap below

 attractive rowan berries

Angelica under the willows

no dragonflies at the pond today

and fewer Pond Skaters

very little water in the main pool
the vegetation is colonising it very rapidly now

the reed bed from the hide

 usual view of the boardwalk from the meadow

and usual view of the hide

view from the boardwalk

turn left for the boardwalk and right for the beehive loop

the meadow from near the hide

view from the ramp
heading for the gate

Altogether a better visit to the Reserve from a weather and wildlife point of view.

 please click on photos to enlarge