Saturday, 8 February 2025

Ballachurry Reserve: Saturday Work Party, 8th January 2025.

 Fourteen volunteers got stuck in to various tasks at Ballachurry Reserve on Saturday. While some to'd and fro'd spreading wood chip along the paths from the pile by the gate, others were lopping side branches from the logs of the felled trees in order to make wood piles and generally clear the area. Meanwhile  Richard was busy creating  a willow screen next to the hide, an annual winter job.  At half time we all met up for hot drinks and cake before shouldering spades and loppers once more to get the jobs done. A very brief wintry shower did not deter us and we headed for home around 12.30 tired, but happy with a good morning's work.  Here are a few photos from the morning: 

barrowing chip

hedge laying

to screen the pond

sorting the wood by size

log piles are good for wildlife

homes for insects and small mammals

even the smaller branches are appreciated by invertebrates

chip gone by lunch time but more expected!

a welcome tea break

to rest

refresh with a hot drink and cake

and generally socialise

with thanks to the Southern Group Committee for organising the morning and for providing the delicious cakes.

please click on photos to enlarge them