Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Ballachurry Reserve: Tuesday afternoon, 11th February, 2025.


a  February afternoon at Ballachurry Reserve
On Tuesday it was more convenient for me to visit the Reserve in the afternoon, rather than my usual morning visit. It was a very grey, cold day with the temperature struggling to reach 6 Centigrade.  Not really very good photographic weather. I arrived at 2 p.m and left at 4 p.m by which time the light was even worse and my camera kept advising me to "raise the flash" - not very practical advice outdoors. Here is my report: 


SC210694 Song Thrush ( not singing today) Blackbird.

SC209693 2 x House Sparrow; Woodpigeon flying over.

 SC209694 ( from hide) Great Tit; Moorhen; Wren; Blackbird; 23 x Woodpigeon in Churchyard trees.

 SC209694  ( elsewhere) 2 x Blackbirds at the path junction; 2 x Blackbirds near Dragonfly pond; Great Tit by dragonfly pond;  Blue Tit; Jackdaw on roof of Old School House; Robin; 2 x Woodpigeon calling from trees on boundary with Old School House; 2 x Goldfinch at path junction; flock of 7 Goldfinch near the bird hide; 2 x Chaffinch bathing and drinking in stream. New cleared area: 3 x Blackbirds together  3 x Great Tit together; Robin.

SC208694  Blue Tit x 2; Goldfinch; Wren.

SC208695 ( feeders) Great Tit x 2; Blue Tit x 2 ; Coal Tit; 2 x Robin; Chaffinch x 3 ( 2 x females, 1 male)  Dunnock foraging under feeders, took flight when surprised by sudden emergence at close quarters of Longtail from dead hedge!


2 x Longtails beneath feeders. 

Blackbird, taken from gate as I entered Reserve

this one was in the recently cleared area

and another nearby on a pile of cleared branches

Blackbirds seemed to be everywhere

1 of a pair on the willow hedge by the hide
a ringed Blue Tit near the feeders

Goldfinch near the feeders

Coal Tit

Blue Tit

Wren seen from hide

large flock of Woodpigeons seen from hide

there were 2 male House Sparrows chirping in a Hawthorn bush




a pair of chaffinches bathing

 The chaffinches preceded their bath by repeatedly dipping into the water like swallows. Were they drinking ? Or testing the depth? Or maybe testing the temperature? Here is a short video of them bathing.The female is off to the left mostly hidden by vegetation.


the Longtails were out scavenging beneath the feeders

a Dunnock got the fright of its life when this one suddenly emerged

usual photos of the dragonfly pond

still no frogspawn

usual hide photo

hide area looking smart with new woodchip and laid hedge
view from the ramp on a cold, grey day

view through the shutters

the Moorhen put in a very brief appearance but I  didn't get a photo

usual view of the board walk
a much more open view of the stream now

view from the boardwalk

the meadow

I've learnt that the new dam is to help prevent silt build-up in pond

the new cleared area is popular with the birds ( see report)

new look path junction
a wintry looking reserve

reeds not looking so golden today

in winter you can see the pond from the willow wood

looking back as I left - the Blackbird was still there.

A chilly but enjoyable visit!

please click on photos to enlarge them