Thursday, 21 April 2016

Ballachurry Reserve, 19th April 2016.

A lovely spring day at Ballachurry Reserve

19th April 2016

When I arrived at Ballachurry on Tuesday afternoon there was a battle taking place near the Notice Board as Small Tortoiseshells and a Peacock butterfly fought for territory in the nettles. At one point there were 4 Small Tortoiseshells chasing the Peacock butterfly, spiralling up into the air. A little later it was the Peacock butterfly chasing a Small Tortoiseshell! Although there was plenty of birdsong to be heard, there was not much flitting about, unlike last week. Here is the report:


SC208694 Sedge Warbler  heard from inside the reed bed but not seen. This is  rather earlier than in previous years, from memory.
SC209694 Mallard drake; Hooded Crow; Robin; Goldfinch
SC208694 Chaffinch; Willow Warbler; Blue Tit
SC208695 Robin;  2 x Blue Tits;
SC209695 Goldfinch; Wren; Great Tit
SC210694  House Sparrows x 3 ( one enjoying a dust bath in the ditch) 
SC208694  ( firs) & SC210694 ( Old School House garden) Chiffchaff  heard but not seen.
SC209695 Domestic white hen in ditch


SC210694 Peacock; Small Tortoiseshells x 4; Green Veined White.
SC208695, SC209695 & SC209694  unidentified Whites, flying
SC209695 Small Tortoiseshell
SC209694 Small Tortoiseshell


SC209694  Gorse Shieldbugs x 8
SC208694   Gorse Shieldbugs x 10, including 2 mating pairs


SC208694  Wolf Spiders near the dam


SC208694 Unidentified Crane Fly; Eristalis pertinax Hoverfly;2 mating pairs of Yellow Dung Flies; unidentified small fly on gorse
SC209695 Eristalis pertinax on Bowman Memorial Bench
SC209694 There was a large Hoverfly with an orange look about it hovering near the willows. I hoped it might settle but it was more interested in hovering. 


SC209695  Water Crickets x 8 + leech egg sacks visible on stones in stream.
SC209694  White legged Snake Millipedes x 4, including ( I think) mating pair; Unidentified slug; Unidentified grub/caterpillar; Brandling worm
SC209694   First few Cuckoo Flowers/ Ladysmock in flower ( food plant of Green Veined White & Orange-tip butterflies) 
SC209695   First sycamore flowers opening
SC208694   Large  unidentified bumble bee on grass


Despite the warm, sunny weather ( about 14 C) there were less birds flying about and less insects in the willows. The Reserve was noisier than usual with  heavy plant working across the road at Ballakilley. One of the Self Heal plants from under the Notice Board had been pulled out and was dead on the grids, probably  uprooted by foraging bird such as Blackbird or possibly the hen/ peacocks scratching from next door. I'll replace it when I can. 

Peacock butterfly

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly

Green Veined White butterfly

uidentified Bumble bee

Eristalis pertinax Hoverfly

Unidentified fly



House Sparrow

House Sparrow enjoying dust bath

Willow Warbler

White legged snake millipedes

mating White legged snake millipedes

unknown grub

Brandling worm?

Unidentified Crane Fly

mating Yellow Dung Flies

another Eristalis pertinax Hoverfly

unidentified Hoverfly hovering

domestic hen from next door

leech egg sacks on stone in stream

mating Gorse Shieldbugs

first Sycamore flowers

lovely willows