Saturday 28 January 2017

Ballachurry Reserve, First Work Party of 2017.

A big thank you to the dozen volunteers who donned their waterproofs today ( 28th January) and braved the rain to make a start on maintenance tasks for 2017. The rain was not heavy, there was no wind, and temperatures were reasonable for January, so working conditions were not too bad at all.

Main task of the morning was to cut back the vegetation, mostly rushes, along the stream banks until we could finally see some water again! With plenty of conversation as we worked (lots to catch up on since Christmas) the time flew by and the job was pretty much done by break time. Right on cue as we downed tools, it stopped raining and the sun came out! The Baking Sub-Committee had done us proud as usual (many thanks, ladies) and we had a very pleasant picnic in the sunshine. At this point we were unexpectedly joined by Press Photographer, Mike Wade, who took photos of us enjoying our refreshments and even did a little quality control  himself.

Then it was back to work. A variety of tasks this time, trimming back the willows, removing some self sown saplings growing in the wrong place, removing redundant tree guards which had served their purpose, and packing extra timber round a few wooden features that were threatening to wobble. We had a grand clear up of the site, especially near the hide, and there was a chance to discuss the best way of dealing with a few future tasks. Mike took further photos of us at work, just to prove that we don't just picnic, and I took photos of him taking the photos, just to prove that he works too! Do look out for us all in the local press next week.

The sun continued to shine, the Robins cheered us on ( SC208694 & SC208695), I saw a Snipe (SC209694), and even spotted a caterpillar (SC209695).

Grubby, but satisfied with a good morning's work, we all headed homewards for a well-deserved lunch.

Thanks again, folks. Your cheerful hard work is much appreciated.

Thanks too to Mike Wade who so often captures Manx Wildlife Trust activities.

Making a start

Making progress

Job done

Tea Break and a big improvement

Welcome, Mike.

Coffee, cake and a joke perhaps?

A well-deserved cuppa

January picnic

Trimming the willows

Back to work for all concerned.

By the way, I was at the Reserve a couple of times earlier in the week and hope to post the report and pictures soon.