Friday 27 January 2017

Work Party update - 28th January 2017

Just a minor update for those hoping to come to the Work Party on Saturday. I have walked round the Reserve today with Tim Graham ( CEO) and Tricia Sayle ( Reserves Officer) from the Manx Wildlife Trust. During this walk we decided to cut back both sides of stream between the ponds but do minimal work on the dry ditch. We'll be doing some minor trimming back on some of the willows, so a selection of saws might be useful. If anyone has a mattock with a stout handle we need one for tamping down soil round some of our wooden structures which have become wobbly. Some maintenance on a few trees also intended + cutting back vegetation near the boardwalk.

Extra sheers, loppers, secateurs, spades/forks always welcome. Don't forget your wellies, waterproof gloves for stream work, tougher stuff for brambles.

Tonight they are saying that early morning rain will clear by mid morning, so hopefully the Work Party can go ahead as planned. Do check the Blog or ring Janet if this seems to have changed significantly by morning.

 See you there!