Tuesday 24 January 2017

Ballachurry Reserve - Work Party Reminder

Just a reminder that, weather permitting, we have our first Work Party of 2017 this coming Saturday, 28th January. 10 till 1 as usual or whatever you can manage. A slight change in tasks, as priority will be to clear the far bank of the stream that runs between the two ponds. We are not allowed to dredge out any silt at this time of year but can clear/cut back the vegetation that has fallen into the water. Waterproof gloves essential for this task. Marigolds over something warmer work quite well, I find! Don't forget your wellies!

If numbers permit we'll also finish the dry ditch as described in the earlier post. If you are looking for something a little less energetic we still need to paint the new struts inside the hide.

Refreshments at half time as usual. Do hope to see you there - new volunteers always welcome.

(If weather looks uncertain please check the Blog before setting out or ring Janet on 428953)