We have a Work Party this coming Bank Holiday Saturday at the reserve between 10 and 1 p.m. ( or just drop in for what you can manage)
Two or three people will be strimming the paths which have become pretty narrow over the summer. We'll probably need to tidy up a bit behind them, raking the strimmings off to the sides. The areas under the large gate, behind the notice board, and behind the Bowman Memorial bench also need cutting back.
Priority task is clearing the two streams, especially the main stream which runs into the reed bed- cutting back the vegetation which has collapsed into them so we can see what is going on and dredging out silt near the bridge and possibly elesewhere to keep the water flowing. Wellies and waterproof gloves needed for this task ( I'll bring a few spare pairs of marigolds!) Remember we have longtails on site so it's prudent to keep your hands dry.
If time allows ,we have some carpet strips which need putting down round the Hawthorn saplings near the hide. We'll remove any docks etc that have crept in amongst them first. We'll check any saplings that didn't leaf up to see if they are truly dead and remove them if necessary. We have spares available to replace them.
Still a hurdle to go up & a few docks to come out from the two wild flower glades.
So, please bring spades, rakes and loppers etc. if you have them. There will be a few spares around too.
Realistically we probably won't get through all this in one morning, so Saturday 2nd September has also been set aside to complete any outstanding jobs. This will probably include the stream between the reed bed and the pond.
Weather forecast is currently saying dry but cloudy but do check Blog beforehand if you think there is any chance of a last minute cancellation.
Hope to see you there! Refreshments available as usual.