Sunday 30 December 2018

Ballachurry Reserve : First Work Party of 2019

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a very enjoyable Christmas break and are looking forward to the New Year Celebration still to come.

This is to remind you that, weather permitting, our first work party of the New Year is programmed for Saturday, 5th January from 10  till 1 p.m. ( or whatever you can manage in that time scale). There will be refreshments provided at half time but if you can remember to bring your own mug that would be helpful. I'll try to bring along a few spares though!

The main task will be to cut back brambles where they are trying to cross the boundary ditch and root into the other side, threatening to encroach onto the path. There are also a couple of other areas which we try to keep bramble free needing attention. Work gloves, wellies (there may be some water in the ditch) and eye protection if you have it (we have a couple of spares if not). Loppers, shears, secateurs etc. but again we have some spares. 

I'll listen to the 8 a.m. weather forecast on Friday, then post a confirmation ( or otherwise!) but as always please check your messages ( if on the email list) or the Blog on Saturday for any last minute cancellation.

Looking forward to seeing some of you soon.

My very best wishes for 2019.
