Tuesday 12 November 2019

Ballachurry Reserve, 12th November 2019: One man went to mow....

meadow cut and awaiting clearance
The Southern MWT Committee are very grateful to Reserves Officer, Tricia Sayle, and her muckers for mowing the damp meadow at Ballachurry today. Alan did the mowing and a small team of Peter, Christine and Caroline, later supplemented by myself, raked the cut vegetation into rough "stooks" ready to be removed to the compost heap at a later stage.

It was a couple of hours hard work by all  and whereas I then headed home for a cup of coffee, they loaded up the van and headed for the Eary Stane reserve where, no doubt, more hard work awaited them.

Another team had been working at Breagle Glen and Tricia shuttled between the two groups to co-ordinate efforts.

I now hope to organise a work party for this coming Saturday, 16th November, to barrow all the cut vegetation off the meadow to the compost heap. I have sent out a "call to arms" but understand that manxnet emails are not accessible at present. Hopefully volunteers will receive my message in time to respond!

Once more, a big thank you to Alan and "the rakers" for helping out at Ballachurry today.