Tuesday 21 January 2020

Ballachurry Reserve, 21st January 2020 -Work Party

It's not often we have a week day work party but our scheduled Saturday had to be cancelled because of the recent stormy weather. Today's forecast was for a dry but cloudy day with light drizzle at times. We thought we could cope with that but, as you will see from the photos, we enjoyed blue skies, sunshine and the only drizzle was the lemon variety during our tea break!

Seven volunteers were on site today so we were able to tackle two separate areas of brambles, which means the job is pretty much finally done at last. We have some lovely dense areas of brambles for the nesting birds in the spring but do have to keep them in check each year or they would quickly fill the whole reserve.

One disappointment was not to be able to remove some Hemlock Water Dropwort from the damp meadow. The ground conditions made this impossible but we'll possibly have another go when the plants themselves are a little larger. We might be fighting a losing battle here though, alas!

Eleven thirty saw us sitting in the sunshine outside the hide for our tea break. Many thanks to Margaret who had dropped off our refreshments earlier in the day even though she couldn't  join us this morning.

Then it was back to work once more to get the job done. Special thanks to Ian ( again!) for the loan of his dustbins and his offer to remove the debris to the tip once his trailer is  available once more.

our real reason for volunteering!

sunshine and lemon drizzle

When I arrived at the reserve this morning there were lots of birds around - what a contrast with yesterday afternoon! I made a mental note of the following :

SC209694 2 x Song Thrush together ( one singing  beautifully);  flock of Goldfinches flying over; 2 x Long Tailed Tit; female Blackbird;  Magpie; Great Tit;  2 x Chaffinch; Blue Tit.
SC209693 Great Tit
SC208694 Robin; 2 x Chaffinch; Great Tit; Goldcrest; Blue Tit; Sparrowhawk flying through at speed.
Goldcrest seaching for insects on the compost heap.
Many thanks to all our volunteers today for all your help. A job well done!