Friday 22 July 2016

Ballachurry Reserve, Working Party, 16th July 2016

Volunteers enjoying a welcome break.

 We held a very successful work party last Saturday morning with 11 volunteers in total. The weather was also rather more kind to us than on the previous occasion. 

Whilst working I noted a Small Tortoiseshell @ SC210694, a Meadow Brown @ SC209693, a 10-spot Ladybird @ SC209694 and the Sedge Warbler @ SC209694 sang to us all morning. The Peacock family seemed unconcerned by our presence. I missed a good photo when the paler youngster ( the male) was riding on its mother's back. The second peahen is last year's baby which was brooded by the white hen when its mother showed little interest. This explains why the white hen and the peahen are often together in the reserve - the peahen thinks the white hen is its mother!

The main purpose of the Work Party was to fill the plastic grids with pea gravel to make them safe before our dusk Bat Walk/Moth Trapping event  tonight ( 22nd). We also removed overhanging brambles and other vegetation which might have proved hazardous in the dark. Those barrowing the gravel were very quick off the mark, so no photos of the work in progress, I'm afraid. Corporate MWT member, Corletts, kindly supplied & delivered the gravel free of charge and the yellow bag came in most useful afterwards for shifting the cut vegetation!

We took out a few docks from the side of the paths to prevent them seeding further - there are plenty left as bird seed for the winter! 

A big thank you to all the volunteers for their hard work and thanks too to the "Baking Sub-Committee"  for your delicious cakes and sausage rolls!

Moving the bag full of cut vegetation

A bit tricky getting it over the bridge

And over it goes onto our compost heap

Taking a breather

Sprucing up the paths

Dealing with the docks

Clearing near the bridge

Queuing for tea and cake

Three of our regulars

The filled grids

We may add quarry dust to the grids later

Mum & 2 chicks

Dad keeping an eye on the family

 The whole family

Sedge Warbler wondering what's going on

Small Tortoiseshell