Wednesday 14 September 2016

Ballachurry Reserve, 10th September, 2016. - Work Party.

Many hands make light work!
Our rescheduled work party on Saturday saw about a dozen volunteers on site. New recruit, Dave, was made especially welcome as he had a hedge trimmer!  This made light work of cutting back the vegetation (mostly ivy)  along the pavement as far as the Reserve boundary.  A willing band of volunteers removed the trimmings from  the roadside and the area was  well swept and left looking very spruce.  

Meanwhile,  Andree Dubbeldam, Manx Wildlife Trust’s Wildflowers of Man Project Manager, showed other volunteers how best to plant various moisture loving plants into the marshy area which was mown last year.  Andree kindly supplied numerous plants for us. A couple of large Hemlock Water Dropwort plants were removed, as were several Docks, to prevent the area being overrun by them.  One of the ruts was filled with old turf from the hide roof. The Seasonal path was strimmed, as were most of the other paths. James and Ian did additional work on the hide and at 11.30 delicious refreshments provided by the Baking Sub-Committee made an appearance and were much appreciated by all.

Many thanks to all concerned - your hard work is much appreciated.


...and after

Andree in horticultural mode

planting Marsh Marigolds

spades at the ready

lost in the rushes

digging out the docks

nearly finished

strimming the paths

path through the willows

a welcome cuppa

and time to socialise 

three of our regulars

Next Work Party: October 22nd.