Thursday 8 September 2016

Ballachurry Reserve, Working Party. 10th September 2016 Reminder

Just a reminder that our Work Party which had to be postponed last Saturday is now taking place this week-end from 10 till 1pm on Saturday.

We have a variety of tasks in mind. These include cutting back the ivy and overhanging vegetation along the pavement. Within the reserve itself we shall be doing some "gardening" on what will become the wildflower glade.We shall remove a few docks and a large Hemlock Water Dropwort plant and plant some Flag Iris in their place. We'll be lifting and dividing some of the Marsh Marigolds and Meadowsweet plants and spreading them around the area.  Wildflowers of Man Project Manager, Andree Dubbeldam, will be there to lead this task.There is also some general path maintenance required where brambles and willow branches are intruding.

Those attending the Working Party will find gardening gloves useful. Some tools will be provided but additional shears, garden forks and spades would be welcome. We shall also need some watering cans to water in the newly planted perennials.

There will also be an opportunity to view the new  roof on the hide which now just needs turf to finish it off. This will also be done on Saturday if the turf  has arrived. If so, there may  be some barrowing of turf to be done.

As always, refreshments will be provided.

Hope to see you there!