Monday, 20 March 2017

Ballachurry Reserve, 20th March 2017: Work Party.

Ballachurry Rainbow

I'm very pleased to say that, at the fifth attempt, we were finally able to hold a Work Party at the Reserve today. We needed to do a couple of tasks before the birds start nesting and I was getting rather anxious about this when we had to cancel week after week because of the weather and ground conditions.

Obviously by holding the event on a week-day many of  our regular volunteers were unable to come along. However, we mustered 7 volunteers who got stuck in with a will and did a grand job. A big thank you to all concerned. Thanks too to Margaret for baking a cake, even though she was unable to come along herself and to Adam who did the honours during the refreshment break.

The sun mostly shone and the few drops of rain we did experience  gave us the wonderful sight of a rainbow over Ballakillowey. There was a heavy shower about twenty minutes after we had all gone home, so our timing was perfect!

So, what did we do?

  • We raked off two recently strimmed areas which will now be allowed to grow long until late summer/ early autumn. 
  • Moved a large dock growing in the middle of a path. 
  • Moved a Hemlock Water Dropwort plant which was growing where we are trying to eliminate them in the wild flower glade.
  • Cut back arching brambles which were fording the ditch.
  • A bit more strimming near the boardwalk, which then required some sweeping.
  • Adjusted a large tree tie which Storm Doris had disturbed.
  • Put up the "Nesting Birds" signs which will now remain in situ until August.
  • Enjoyed some welcome refreshments at half time. 
Wildlife: SC208694 Large frog; Great Tit.
               SC209694 Male Pheasant flying in
               SC209693  3 x Mallard flying over.
Haven't we done this before........?

 Setting off to collect the pot of gold perhaps?

Raking off the strimmed grass to lower the fertility of the plot.

Where's that barrow gone?

More raking 

We did the area near Ginnie's bench too

Strimming near the board walk

Sunny picnic

Welcome refreshments

Who said the new shelf was for binoculars and telescopes? 

Back to work, brambles this time.

We take our work very seriously!

Has anyone seen Wendy?

The arrival of Chiffchaffs this week
prompted us to put up the notices.

A polite reminder near the gate
( and please buy a ticket for the concert, which is raising money for the Wildlife Trust)
A handsome frog taking an interest