Sunday 24 December 2017

Ballachurry Reserve : The Final Fling - work party update

Just taking a break from the Christmas prep. to let you know that we'll be going ahead with a final fling of the year at Ballachurry next Thursday, 28th December  between 10 and 1 as usual.  A great opportunity to work off the Christmas excesses, although I can't guarantee that there won't be any mince pies around in the tea break. Brambles mostly, so bring those thick gloves ( hope you asked Santa for some?) and possibly repainting the blackboard if you are of a more artistic nature.

Please check the Blog  before setting out (or contact Janet) if the weather suggests the Work Party might be cancelled. 

Very best wishes to you all for Christmas and thank you once more for your hard work maintaining this wonderful habitat during 2017.  If you can't make it this time we look forward to seeing you in 2018.