Monday 10 September 2018

Ballachurry Reserve: quick note

I'm frequently told about interesting bird sightings at Ballachurry by other people (who are much more knowledgeable than myself)  on different days and at different times. It would be lovely to be able to pass them on here on the Blog but I simply don't have time, I'm afraid. Sometimes there are new records, as on 31st August when a few lucky people saw a Common Redstart and a Spotted Flycatcher. Although I was there myself that day, needless to say "the bird had flown" by the time I visited later in the day!

This post is just to remind you that you can catch up with other people's Ballachurry bird sightings on  and also on where you'll find Ballachurry listed under hotspots.

I am indebted to Kate Hawkins for the identification of my spider pictures and to Steve Crellin for the flies. Captions have now been updated, so it's always worth checking back if these invertebrates interest you.