Monday 17 September 2018

Ballachurry Reserve, 15th September 2018 - Work Party.

 (Click to enlarge photos)

"Five go to Ballachurry" seemed a good title for our Work Party on Saturday but then I spotted two more volunteers down in the ditch! We were back to our Magnificent Seven. With a long list of tasks pinned to the hide door, we consistently worked our way through them, making short work of all the bits and bobs left over from previous work parties. Even the sun came out and we were soon shedding coats and jumpers. Rumours went round that Carrie had brought along her legendary Apricot Slices so we needed no second bidding when tea break was called. Then we discovered Janet had contributed a tin of home made cookies too, so we were all in clover.  It's always pleasant to sit and chat in the sunshine but a few tasks still remained and we spent another hour ticking them off between us.

We have some major tasks coming up over the next few months so it was good to finish up all these niggly little jobs. A big thank you to all concerned for all your hard work. Especial thanks to our two bakers for reviving us at half time and to our invisible volunteer Number Eight who regularly mows the paths to keep them passable and looking trim.

Several areas were strimmed and generally tidied up

our final chance to remove excess silt

and the flow visibly improved
this task is a bit like painting the Forth Bridge -
once you reach the end it's time to start all over again!

but here is the boardwalk at the end of the morning
looking really good
this is the section of stream we delayed clearing earlier
just in case we disturbed late nesters in the reeds

No way was she going to get stuck in the mud this time around!

flowing again and the banks will soon green over 
the last few grids go down at last!
Once filled with gravel they should help us through the winter mud

has anyone seen Ian?

time for a break 

and recharge the batteries

assessing how best to repair the wattle panel

a couple of new posts and a lump hammer should do the job

in it goes

job finished - certainly looks better

"the wrong sort of willow" - these should have come out a
couple of years ago but had managed to elude us - proved a tough job!
 Last word must go to the Wildlife of course without which all this hard work would be totally unnecessary! We counted about 30+ swallows flying over the reserve during the tea break and undeterred by all the activity there was a female Mallard on the pond. Blackbird, Chaffinch and Song Thrush were seen in the Hawthorn and Speckled Wood butterflies were along every single path.

Fox Moth Caterpillar ?
Sometimes referred to as a Woolly Bear

a very scruffy Blackbird

I've seen this fellow before

and a very smartly turned out Song Thrush

it's some time since I've seen a thrush on the resreve

this one certainly had attitude!

and finally... just a note to say that my hoverfly video is now on the post for 12th September if you want to check back and see it.